गुरुवार, 20 अगस्त 2015

New social network Tsu signs one million users in just five weeks The tsu is a social site like facebook tsu not a only social site tsu is a best way for earn money or.promoter for you tube chennle like friendship whol world

Social Networking platforms are playing vital role for the growth  of internet. As we use Facebook, Twitter, G+ and even a mobile apps like Whatsapp and Line just because to communicate with our friends, family and to make new online friends. As the Facebook is a giant of social media and have millions of daily users who make posts, likes, shares. No doubt we learn something new and even Facebook is fastest way to spread any news and message around the world. But the question is what is our benefit in doing all this. A normal user spend 2,3 hours daily to use Facebook and on other also. But have to think about earning money from every likes, shares and comments ?? But now its time to step forward towards something new which help to make money from all these activities.
Tsu is new social networking site where you earn money for doing same activities as we done on Facebook but the main difference is we earn revenue from it. Means for every shares, likes,  comments, followers and friends we make on tsu it will generate money.

Tsu is newly start social media website but growing at faster rate. Tsu become popular in USA, Canada and many other countries within single month. Now Tsu starts its growth magic in India. Tsu achieve higher Alexa ranking within a single month. Approx Tsu starts in the month of Oct and you can easy checkout its Alexa ranking which shows you the growth graph and ranking which is totally amazing. 

To join Tsu you need any referrer. So if you want to join follow any below given links

  • If you visit Tsu.co directly then to do signup they will ask you for member code just enter below username.
  • Use maindia297 and then click on Sign up button.
  • After that enter your accurate details to sign up. All the further functioning is same as we done on Facebook.
  • Currently Tsu is not available for everyone means it in a beta version so you will not able to sign up for new account directly. So you need any members username. So don't gets confused just follow above given links :)

How To Earn Money From Tsu ?

Tsu works same as Facebook, But the only think is you earn money for doing all the same activities. You just have to refer others to join Tsu and follow you and add you as a friend. In short you have to increase followers and friends and when you post something then you will earn money if someone likes, share and comment on your status and images.

  • After creating new account complete your acoun detail like profile picture, cover and other basic information.
  • Then click Edit profile and all option will available in left sidebar and you can checkout your earning from bank option. 
  • If you want to refer other friends to join you simply go to Settings>> Then invitation option from right sidebar.
  • Copy your refer URL and share it any where you want to get more follower and friends.
  • More friends and follower will increase your reach and will help earn revenue.

How Much User will earn ?

Tsu is 90% revenue sharing network means all earning generate from your activities 10% will tsu take for its maintenance and other costs to run company. In other words you are not even earn a single penny from Facebook, twitter for daily activities according to data we help Facebook to earn $1-$2 on avg of daily usages. But we didn't get anything. Tsu will provide all the earning they earn from there advertisers on bases of every user activities.

Suppose we have around 100 Friends and follower on tsu then we will earn around $2-$5 depend on activities. So as your friends and follower will increase your earning will definitely increase. So total likes, share and comments done by you on other friends also help to get exposure and help in increasing earnings.

Tsu earns from there Ads, Reviews from which they distributed 90% share in users. 50% will be distributed in user with the help of this amount is generated and rest of 40% is disturbed in family tree by the concept of 1/3 in infinite loop. 

Suppose User A invite User B and further User B invite User C and so on. If user c having follower and friend they will earn from it. 1/3 of user c earning go to user B and 1/3 goes to user a amount earn by user B from referring earning. No doubt user B will not make any effort to earn more.

In short understand what is appearing in current earning balance is real amount you will get. No amount will be deducted from it. All the refer distribution and review sharing is done in back end and Final earning will appear in your account. Just understand if you able to make 200 friends and followers your earning will vary from $5-$10. If you have more friends and follower you earning will increases.

Likes, Comments, Shares, Friends, Followers, Refers =Earnings

How Tsu Send Payment ?

Just go the bank option and there is option to enter the amount for which you want to get  check.  Payment are made via check so enter you accurate details like Address, city, country and other options to receive your check.

Some Tips To Earn From Tsu Effectively

  • Follow and add friends to others in Tsu definitely they will also follow back to you. This will help to reach more audience. 
  • Refer more friends under your tree this will help you to earn from you referrer activities and also explain them to how to refer others means. More refers under your tree more you earn.
  • Share your refer link on Facebook, twitter and other social network. Even send mobiles sms and make aware them to join and earn from this network. Because if they will earn you will also earn from it.
  • create a post on Tsu and share it on Facebook or others to get more views.
If you have not sign up then what are you waiting for its really just create your account try it. Without invitation new account will not  be created. So just click on below given invite link.


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